
These are downloadable copies of presentation slides and papers on a variety of legal/technology subjects that Ron has published.

AI and the Practice of Law

These are the slides to a panel discussion on AI and its affect on the practice of law. This presentation was made on April 10, 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

What's All the Fuss About GDPR?

Known formally as the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679,i GDPR is a European Union law concerning the protection and the privacy of individual's personal data. GDPR was drafted with the understanding that companies want personal data about individuals, and that individuals must be free to chose whether or not that data will be provided to companies and under what conditions.

Artificial Intelligence and Family Law

This paper was presented at the 44th Annual Advanced Family Law Course on August 13-16 in San Antonio, Texas. The presentation was made by Ms. Lisa Angelo and Mr. Mark Unger. The AI description and discussion was authored by Ronald Chichester

A Short History of AI

This is a short essay on the history of artificial intelligence and its impact on the legal profession. This essay formed part of the materials for a panel discussion by the American Bar Association, of which Ron was a panelist.

Patents & Small Companies

This is a presentation about how smaller companies can and should address patent issues (depending upon the size of the opponent). This presentation was for the Second Annual Energy Industry Intellectual Property Law Conference on March 22, 2018.

AI in the Field

This presentation was given at the first AI Symposium at Texas A&M School of Law on October 20, 2017 in Fort Worth, Texas. I was also on the panel at the end of the conference.

What to Look for in a Forensics Expert

This is a presentation about computer forensics expert witnesses, and what you should look for in one. This presentation was made on May 9, 2017 as part of a web video recording at the State Bar of Texas studios.

Encryption Made Easy

These slides were part of a web video that was made at the State Bar of Texas studios on May 9, 2017. This is about the mechanics of utilizing encryption in a law practice.

Distributed Autonomous Organizations

These are the slides from a presentation made to a joint meeting of the Houston-area chapters of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA) and InfraGuard Tech SIG on January 26, 2017. This presentation addressed cryptocurrencies, blockchains, smart contracts, smart property, distributed autonomous organizations, distributed autonomous corporations and jurisdiction over them.

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